Applications: Flixster for Facebook

Facebook Applications: Flixster
Rate movies and share the movies you saw or want to see with you facebook friends. Compare your movie taste. Take over 100,000 movie trivia quizzes. Join over 40 Million people using Flixster on Facebook.
Flixster is a Facebook application suitable for people who love movies and cinema, and for that have the desire to spend a short while in facebook sharing their taste for movies, or just people who want to know what to put in their DVD Friday at night.
In the site you can find all type of filmic information, as names and photographies of actors and the news, films in opening, DVD and your own space to describe your favorite movies or actors. Surely, the same that you can more find in IMDb or other sites of the type, but in how many you can recommend film directly to your friends and find people with compatible tastes with yours? Flixster also works like a social network, and for enthusiastic of the cinema this is what makes the network more interesting. Once registered you will be able to invite your friends to be united and the site will be establishing a percentage of compatibility according to the tastes of each (in principle with a simple process of qualification of films) Beyond your own contacts, you will be able to look for new friends within Flixster and to find people with your same pleasures. In your profile you will be able to establish your favorite films and actors to improve the compatibility processes and to crown the services, you have to disposition a great amount of triways, including addictive endless trivia (appropriately call “Never-ending Quiz”) to occupy all your time competing for the first position.