Archive for 04.2010

Creating an Application in Facebook

Creating an Application in Facebook
If you want to create or to make your own application in Facebook its very easy, and there are some pages inside facebook and some applications that will help you in achieving that. In this page you can create your own application of phrases: Creator of Phrases (to create applications of phrases) you select the one that you want and you follow the instructions, in just a short time you will have your application working.
Also you have other pages that allow you to create more applications for Facebook in simple steps, with this one you will be able to create: applications of interviews, with Social Interview, with it you will be able to start your own interview on facebook.

There are many other pages in facebook that will allow you to create applications of of phrases, applications with feeds, application of X of the day, tests in Facebook, applications of gifts, applications of photos, surveys in Facebook…

If you are pretty serious on creating apps for facebook you should check the site for the stanford course for developing facebook applications. You can find more info in their facebook page: Stanford Course, Creating Apps for Facebook
Here is a link to the current list of apps the class has developed:

Also you can Create a Facebook App with Google App Engine, basically google app engine is a service that allow developers to create and host application with different purposes. In this page you will find useful information on hosting a Facebook app on Google AppEngine.

For serious developers with knowledge of coding and programmation theres is the facebook developer Wiki:

Once we already have our application we will be able to add it to the directory of Facebook, in this page they give all the details for adding your new app to the facebook evergrowing directory of applications.

How to Create a Survey in Facebook

How to Create a Survey in Facebook
In our effort to bring som e of the best Tricks from Facebook, we now will explain to you how to create surveys in Facebook.
Here you have a wonderful page to create surveys in Facebook: Surveys, Petitions, Votes, Polls & Quizzes , enter with your profile name and pass and click in create a survey to create your first survey here! it will take you to another page where you will be able to choose what type of surveys in Facebook you want to do, public surveys, deprived surveys, for pages of fans or groups. As soon as you establish the type of survey you want to do it is very easy to have your survey up and running in Facebook, you put the number of options immediately afterwards and the title of the survey and the text of each option, go ahead and do your own survey in Facebook from your profile and the profiles of your friends.

Poker Minigame in Facebook

Poker Minigame in Facebook
There are thousands of applications for use in facebook. They are developed by independent authors that share them with the facebook community. In all this apps they never can lack the games and between the thousands of applications that exist in Facebook this time I will explain to you facebook users the new DareDevil call.
Daredevil call is a game based on the famous and popular Poker that challenge the users to have the best combination of 5 letters in a period of time.
In the footer part of the webpage of the game there is a small clock that needs to be pressed to change the letters, then you have to think fast and if you have the best possible game and when being finished the time, the computer grant points to to the player following which combination played has in the table.
Each level has a minute of time. As always, it is possible also to be invited to your friends game, so that they compete to see who has the greater amount of accumulated points. Also you can see who have the beter scores of all the users in Facebook that has this application installed.

Top 5 Professional Applications for Facebook

Top 5 Professional Applications for Facebook
If your business or company already has its page in Facebook to promote themselves, take note of the following applications taken from the group Facebook Applications that will be very useful to enhance the greater possible benefit to your profession or business by using this popular social network:
1.Professional Profile This application is very useful for independent professionals whom they also have in his profile of Facebook to relatives and personal friendly that could as well have contacts that are of your professional interest. This app abre a separate section to you in your profile that will separate your professional contacts and activities virtually.

2.IEndorse you will be able to allow that your followers in Facebook leave testimonial on the services that you offer. With this application your business will be including in the data base of businesses of IEndorse, being able of maintaining your separated personal profile of the one of your business,

3.Networked Blogs is an application that serves to promote your corporative blog and the related ones to your company.

4.SmartMessage Center sends messages of massive form or to groups, receiving the answers organized in a single message that you will be able to share as well you wish if it, in format pdf, RSS or XLS.

5.SlideShare is a very useful application to share the presentations of products of your company, if they are in any popular format like PowerPoint, Open Office or pdf, your presentations can be commented, labeled and described by your contacts, inclusively, you will be able to allow that your presentations appear in blogs of your contacts.

Facebook Game - Happy Aquarium

Facebook Game - Happy Aquarium
Happy Aquarium is a game of Facebook where you can have your own aquarium with fish, on a daily basis to feed them and have fune with them. You can configure your aquarium according to the type of fish you like and configure many other variables.
These are some tips and tricks for Happy Aquarium that you can use to improve in the game and to have a great aquarium, better scenery and plenty of fish.
Tricks for Happy Aquarium:
You can sell fish to the ocean with the Sell option, justg click in the adult fish that you wish to loosen. When buying fish, be sure to acquire one of each sex, so that these form pair, reproduce and have eggs. Soon you can sell them and make money. The fish must be of the same species and be with their complete needs to be able to reproduce, apart of this be sure that your aquarium is clean and has the sufficient space. While you play more, you can be decorating your aquarium with adornments and raising of level and experience. Thus also you will be able to adopt a squid (calamary) and a turtle, that are most difficult to obtain.
Remember that you must be preppared for the moment when appears the message in the recent news that a turtle or squid need a new home. In addition, you must have a space to give capacity to the turtle or it will not appear in your aquarium. You can say to your friends that you would like to adopt so that they warn to you when appears to them the option to publish the message.
To play with your fish is very simple, you only must go getting the obstacles out of the way while your fish is swimming. The more you train to your fish, the more points of experience you will win.

Applications: Flixster for Facebook

Facebook Applications: Flixster
Rate movies and share the movies you saw or want to see with you facebook friends. Compare your movie taste. Take over 100,000 movie trivia quizzes. Join over 40 Million people using Flixster on Facebook.
Flixster is a Facebook application suitable for people who love movies and cinema, and for that have the desire to spend a short while in facebook sharing their taste for movies, or just people who want to know what to put in their DVD Friday at night.
In the site you can find all type of filmic information, as names and photographies of actors and the news, films in opening, DVD and your own space to describe your favorite movies or actors. Surely, the same that you can more find in IMDb or other sites of the type, but in how many you can recommend film directly to your friends and find people with compatible tastes with yours? Flixster also works like a social network, and for enthusiastic of the cinema this is what makes the network more interesting. Once registered you will be able to invite your friends to be united and the site will be establishing a percentage of compatibility according to the tastes of each (in principle with a simple process of qualification of films) Beyond your own contacts, you will be able to look for new friends within Flixster and to find people with your same pleasures. In your profile you will be able to establish your favorite films and actors to improve the compatibility processes and to crown the services, you have to disposition a great amount of triways, including addictive endless trivia (appropriately call “Never-ending Quiz”) to occupy all your time competing for the first position.